Haha...finally get all my results liao lucky none fail orelse mummy sure scold me de=)today only go sch half-day cos graduation day mah..den we go Mac to eat breakfast...but lifen's burger no egg haha but cannot change liao cos she bit le :p haiz everytime go Mac sure got something happen de i oso dunno y leh?? After dat we saw kindergarden kidz coming to Mac but not to eat...is to "cang guan" the Mac so weird sia ppl go Zoo they go Mac. Go home liao play den got cat come into my bro's room oso dunno but it saw my bro den run away liao hahax=D humm...project still haven finish monday mus hand in liao aiya dunno la mus see how lol :x
today finally got out of my house le:)....actually meet Ms tay for sushi de but she had to mark exam papers so hav to wait till tomolo lol:/ in the end me,lifen,jenni and wendy go Long John Silver to eat lunch...wa lao dat time almost 4p.m liao me like hungary till siao :xhaha...den i order the fish meal got the corn but when i eat hor it is cold liao so not very nice lol -_- after dat we go lifen hse to watch the "White Chicks" damn funny sia... laughing away the whole movie :p anyway jus change moi blogskin tink still ok la hor.Feeling so tired now cos go out so long -_- kk got to go sleep le...***
Humm...another day at home=/ wad else could i do but eat..haha :D jus couldn't understand y after exams become so boring?? :x i should be enjoying myself...and not rotting me at home!!!:o haiz...next 2 dayz will oso be at home cos no school :) tmr going lifen hse play maybe eating sushi wif Ms tay oso bahx..i oso not sure mus see tmr my frenz going a not lol...think tmr i will change moi blogskin bahx cos dis skin not nice mah..^_^haha mus ask lifen to help me cos i dunno..hehex :p
Haiz...today at home all day so boring.Morning bring my papa go polyclinic see doctor liao come home watch tv,play games..and nth to do le=(actually go eat steamboat wif moi frenz de but my mum say expensive so never go loh=_=den at home only sleep lol:p wad a damn boring day...haiz..jus hav to watch my tv loh^_*or maybe find games to play bahx :/
Yeah...exams over liao can relax le~!!!!=) but still scared moi results come out i faint loh :x haha...anyway rite now i m going to enjoy myself!!! Staying st home all day will make me sick wan...haha...still looking 4 a dream guy to protect &take care of me!=/ haha actually my mum won't allow de la...:`( life still hav to go on de..wif moi frenz to go through all the hardship...me very man yi liao *hehe* so qi dai the day to go chalet wif moi classmates...waiting~....
Haiz...todae e stupid msn siao liao cannot chat cannot sign in wan:( todae exams are s.s and chem....so difficult sia i surely fail wan loh:xtmr still got chinese exam...got sooo.... many words to learn...wish dat i was in poly at least no need to learn chinese....haha..but won't wan lolx cos my mum sure wan me to go jc de.haiz...never see him long time liao dunno how is he?>_<' hope everything i wish for will come true den me will be very happpy:/ [haha]still mus study hard oso la....