One more week to common tests! I can die soon. Why does time passed by so fast? I still have so much projects to do even though it seems that i had already submit a lot of reports. I'm so looking forward for the two weeks break but now it doesn't seems so. The pace for every semster just got faster and faster. And i went to look at the school reopen date for next half semster, it says 31 dec??!!! That's the first time i ever came across school starting in last day of the year. Anyway for the time moment i still have to mug for the 200 questions for WDD and 30+ questions for IP. Madness! There are so many things which i think i had already forgotten and wouldn't care so much. But when time takes me back to that moment, i can't deny that i am still confused. I guess i can't know what's the feeling until i experienced it. I hope i won't hang at this kind of moment for long.