It's been some time since last blog. CNY is somewhat going to over soon. No festive mood throughout, cause there's so many work to do! School is coming to half a sem soon. I don't know why i had this feeling of don't wanna time to moves on. Maybe I'm too scared of whats next when i grow old. I still can't imagine myself as an adult and getting married, give birth, being a mummy or grandma. The most i can accept now is as a poly student. And yes, i still can't accept the fact that I'm an undergrad now. Everything just happens so fast that i could hardly breath. As i grows old, time seems to ticks faster, like 24hours/day is always not enough.
BFF 21st is coming. Hmm..what should i buy? Pocket's hole is getting bigger. xp
p.s. why do you look so much like him? i can't concentrate now.
Alright, it's the 4th week of school now. As usual, no time for resting. x( Right now I'm so eager for CNY to come because of the long break. At the same time, I'm hoping CNY does not come so fast because of the quiz, assignments, project after that. Argh~. There's no enjoyment period in my timetable!!! >=( NO LIFE IN NTU!!!!!!
And why is that there are so many airplanes flying near my hostel here?! It's like every minute got plane flying pass. Is it a flyover here in boon lay? And there is one damn disgusting insect in my room flying about ytd night. I can't sleep because of that, even though i feel sleepy already.
Anyway, i miss home even though i go back every weekend. =(
p.s: sometimes i just want to be an invisible person.