Not sure what's got into me recently. Been having a mixed of reality and dreams. Dreams that seems so real, and reality that seems so fake. Maybe part of the reason is the stress from this semester. Too much projects, assignments and quizzes, leads to sleep deprived and leads to one hallucinating things. And I'm getting paranoid very easily, thinking people are secretly hating me. =/ Arrrgh, I'm getting into a pessimist soon. Please let me pass by these 1 month plus quickly, so that i can have my break. X_X
As mention before, I'm not staying in hall anymore, but i still get the feeling of missing home. O_o Because of the fact that almost everyday i stayed back at school till the unearthly hours, every time i reached home, all my family are asleep. And the only time i get to really chat with them is weekend, but sometimes the weekend is burnt away by school works too. =(
1 more month to exams, and i haven start my revision. It's even worst this time cause there's still some concepts i don't understand from the previous part. And you know what, i don't even know what i don't understand cause i haven look at it. I'm so dead man! x( My results are gonna flunk like hell. Pray that i don't get kick out of school, and pray that IA will really pull my grades up. I hate this 'i feel so dumb' feeling, cause it felts like my brain only contains water. Jiayou, ShiHui! You know you don't want this. Hang on.

and yes, i will do what the doctor's book says. =)