Just came back from gym. Hope i can be as slim as before. =X Anyway elaine has gone to Perth for 1 month!!! How i wish i have the ability to go overseas that long too. It goes, I need money, so i need to work, but i hate to work, but i need money. It's all a cycle. But i'm a lazy bum now so no working for me. =p Recently i seems to have a likeness for cheesy food. Monday went to have dinner with elaine before she fly off. Me and ting share a baked rice and potato salad. It was yummy. =)

And after having that baked rice, i decided to do one at home too. I kind of follow what the tv is doing, using cheese slice. And tada~

Hehe. Does it looks nice? O_o I told mummy it taste good and she wants me to do one for her too . (-_-) Although the rice is a little tasteless, the cheese saltness is enough for the taste. =) Hmm...nothing for me to update now.
Bye =)
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