Sunday, March 20, 2011

Back to school again.

Hehe. This is so me. =)

It's school time tml again. Mid-term break passed by so fast. My sense of guilt is growing as time goes by. This break is supposed to be a busy week but mine is so peaceful. It's like the calmness before a thunderstorm. =S And it's a total communication break for me and my friends. Been staying at home the whole week trying to mug as hard as i can, but i guess i failed. My brain just couldn't concentrate long before i wonder off.

Talking about school, i haven done the tutorial for tml yet. The tutor is gonna get so fed up if he knows anyone not doing tutorial and go for his lesson. =X See how hopeless i am? For the whole week and i haven done the things that i need for monday. My time management sucks! >:( Argh.

And i had those absurd dreams going on recently. It's amazing how my mind can twist things in the dreams. And worst till, some are even continuous dreams! xP I get headache when i worried about things too much, so better not think anymore. Attachment selection is coming soon. Getting so nervous cause i'm not prepared. My resume might be boring and empty. =/

Anyway my plan of getting a new phone has to postpone i guess. Haven decide which phone to get. Those that i want is expensive, and those cheaper ones are old model. =/

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