Monday, June 11, 2007


How long do i have to go? When was the last time i am alive? Why are there troubles and problems in this world? Why humans have feelings? There are so many questions in my mind, but once again, everything just went unanswered. But it's okay, i am numb already. It's mood swing disturbing my life again. Maybe there's someone out there, someone who is able to awaken me. How long have i been unconsicious in this world? I don't know. But one thing for sure, i don't want to live like this. I have a life, but i am living in a 'no life' way. I aren't treating my life preciously. Everything went blind before me. My life become mechanical, routines and more routines. Maybe once in a while there is some surprises. But in the end, everything just went back where they are. Where have everyone gone? What are they doing? What is their feeling now? Seems like i only wanna know about others. I left myself as a mystery. Mr Unknown, will you come rescue me?

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