Monday, October 18, 2010

It's recess week!

Finally, the recess week come. Seriously, i need a break from all those lectures before i go crazy. The concept is so hard to grasp and the question marks on my head are getting into a big lump. =(

Anyway October is a month full of events.
- Celebrate Dad's and friend's birthday.
- First time i doze off in a movie theater.
- Mum's admitted to hospital for 1 day. Luckily is nothing serious, just some checkup to do.
- Quizes that are coming!
- Mum's birthday coming.
- Friends' birthday coming. (pocket's hole getting bigger)
- Assignments and projects that seems never ending. =/
- Tutorials crashing!

And now, I've got a lot of revision waiting for me. Wonder where should i start. =/ And one thing i know is when exam period comes, i really need chicken essence to wake me up. Travelling to school is such a tiring journey that whenever i reach school, I'm always in a sleepy mode. And I'm already very sleepy plus the fact that the lecturers' super 'nice' voice which makes me wanna doze off more.

Apart from designing, i find that i like photography more now. If i had the chance, i wish to explore in that area. =)

if only the beautiful scene is real.

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