Sunday, November 21, 2010


I don't know why i like to question myself about the future. Maybe cause I'm at some age where i need to really plan something before it's too late. Recently I've been wondering should i fully focus on what this course is leading me to? A Programmer? Or should i work on my ideal job of some designer? =/ Right now every time i look at coding, i will feel damn frustrated. It's like i have no wish of understanding it.

Actually i know I've chosen a wrong course but a Uni cert matters so much. It always puzzled me how did i get into Uni? From the moment i received the acceptance letter, everything just seems like a fast forward button has been pressed. As you grow up, time seems to be some how shorter? I remember when i was in primary school, a few hours seems to be like one whole day. But now? 1 year seems like a blink of eyes.

I always told myself i will change, change for the better. But i don't see any yet. My character is still the same. My appearance is still the same. Maybe my thinking is the only one that changes. If you look at the Singaporeans now, you can roughly guess what kind of education they are going through. It's just too oriented. What the school teaches you, you followed and you're safe. What most people are doing, you do the same and you're safe. I guess that's the "kiasi/kiasu" attitude? Ok, what i type up there absolutely not pointing at who. Play safe, if not some public might sue me? O_o

Back to where i was saying, school. Piles of undone things getting lesser but still a mountain left. =( I can only say this semester is the worst I've ever been through. In a month's time, I'm gonna be a free bird again. Just a bit more, so lets work hard. =)
Jiayou~ jiayou~ Shihui! =)

I can't see you yet.

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