Saturday, December 31, 2005
happy new year! ^^
Its an hour before 2006. =) And here i am at home waiting to countdown. Actually i has the chance to go out but i reject everything. First, jenni's church organizing a chalet at aloha changi but don't feel like going cause not so familiar with her church friends. Second, relative's chalet at pasir ris but since no one wants to go,i have no mood too. So now i am watching television- Hollow man. This show has been shown quite a few times on tv but somehow i always miss it. I think thats it... and Happy New Year to all of you! ^^
Friday, December 16, 2005
darkness period
I m going crazy at home. Been stuck at this house for about 1 week plus. If things kept on like this, i think i would suffer from depression. =x Sometimes i wonder what do i like about my life? My dreams... cause thats the only time when everything works out perfectly. That is also the time when i know what the inner me feels and thinks. My memory is starting to get bad. Think it is because of not facing school and books for the past 1 and a half month. Wanting to get a job too but i m just too lazy to go find. Haizz... 4 days later who will remember?
Thursday, November 24, 2005
slacking day~
Finally O' lvl end last friday. I am free from all those skooling =) Think its time to clear my books and bedroom. Planning to find job but not now cause i want to have some time of relaxation. These few days have been slacking at home except from moday went to watch HarryPotter & the Goblet of Fire. The movie was quite nice, quite different from the past few movie. I have no idea what am i going to do for the next few days. Maybe going town or start watching VCDs or playing ms or PS2. -__- [boring] Got to find things to fill up my long vacation or i will become mouldy soon. Oh ya, i am waiting for 'Chicken Little' to be show, heard that movie is quite nice too. Yup, dats it peeps.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
depressed an more depressed
I think i am the failure of this family...they hope i could go to university, but now i think i couldn't even get to poly. I just don't want to admit that whenever it comes to exam, i get so scared. No one knows it. Oh god.. its O'lvl, not any small exams, it decides my future and i am slacking now!? I don't know whether i can still make up for the mistake i have made now, but i just got to try my best. My physic and chemistry can't affort to fail. Next three days-Physic, A-maths P2, history and chemistry. Today's A-M P1 is not gonna make it, i know it. So A-M P2 i am not gonna make the same mistake again. And my sciences, i think i can only concentrate on either one of them. Depressed and more depressed. ='(
Thursday, October 20, 2005
bored day again >.<
Haiz... a boring day again! Today is sub-science de practical exam. Next week gonna be mine turn to sit for the pratical le. There are still a huge pile of homework waiting for mi, especially maths!!! To tell you the truth, these few weeks have been doing maths non-stop and teacher is giving us worksheet non-stop too. Arggh give me a break in maths k?
Tomorrow is graduation day. Finally the long await day come. Its gonna be a half-day for the graduating students. Then afterwards will be the graduation ceremony. Everyone have to go up stage, then the monitor will read out a speech. When everything is over, there's a buffet for us. Our class guyz are asking everyone to go out eat for the one last time tmr. Humm... i still dunno want to go a not cos lifen & peiwen still have not tell mi their decisions, but jenni is going ^.^ Anyway after O'level we will be separate. If there is fate, i believe we will meet again. I think i am starting to miss everyone, the laughter, the lame jokes, the way we are working hard for the exams, the way we could talk about anything under the sun... nice memories, isn't it? i am not going to cry tmr... i promise... i want to be a strong gurl. (=
Tomorrow is graduation day. Finally the long await day come. Its gonna be a half-day for the graduating students. Then afterwards will be the graduation ceremony. Everyone have to go up stage, then the monitor will read out a speech. When everything is over, there's a buffet for us. Our class guyz are asking everyone to go out eat for the one last time tmr. Humm... i still dunno want to go a not cos lifen & peiwen still have not tell mi their decisions, but jenni is going ^.^ Anyway after O'level we will be separate. If there is fate, i believe we will meet again. I think i am starting to miss everyone, the laughter, the lame jokes, the way we are working hard for the exams, the way we could talk about anything under the sun... nice memories, isn't it? i am not going to cry tmr... i promise... i want to be a strong gurl. (=
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
No one understand mi.No one knows wad i want.They are in their world, i am in my world..alone...forever my life can't be perfect as i think. I am living in an urban world, in fact everything i see is 'man-made'. Y does people had to change such a beautiful world into their own 'paradise'? Does the word 'nature' ever comes to those people? Or am i just too sensitive? Haizz..i don't even know wad am i typing now. I am just so depressed... =/
Prelims over now...get back the results le. My feelings??>> [confused & in a mess] I dunno wad i have done this year. All i did was making everyone around my worried for mi. I dun wan this to happen too. But when i realised the importance of this was all too late...too late to make my frenz & family bring dat smile for mi again. I hate myself, hate mi for being such a failure, hate mi for not caring enough for the people around mi. I try to be strong, i try to face any difficulties i had but when i fell into the hole for the first time, no one pull mi i was left in the darkness. Till now i see a beam of light and i try to reach it but i can't. I still need someone to 'pull' mi up. I want to see the world again...i dun wan to stay in this dark hole alone...ever again.
Prelims over now...get back the results le. My feelings??>> [confused & in a mess] I dunno wad i have done this year. All i did was making everyone around my worried for mi. I dun wan this to happen too. But when i realised the importance of this was all too late...too late to make my frenz & family bring dat smile for mi again. I hate myself, hate mi for being such a failure, hate mi for not caring enough for the people around mi. I try to be strong, i try to face any difficulties i had but when i fell into the hole for the first time, no one pull mi i was left in the darkness. Till now i see a beam of light and i try to reach it but i can't. I still need someone to 'pull' mi up. I want to see the world again...i dun wan to stay in this dark hole alone...ever again.
Friday, September 9, 2005
Whooo~ so fast end of sept holidays le, me haven enjoy enough.Gotta start on my revision le orelse sure die. Nowadays i have been listening to some songs and it brought back my childhood memories. Thinking about the times when i was small, so much fun, so much joys, no worries at all just pure gd. Wish i had never grow up but tats not possible. At least i could dream....dream of me in paradise enjoying myself *HeEx* think i stop here le be back only after exams^^
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Quizz again!
Your easy-going personality is best represented by
the bow and arrow. You probably dont like the
spotlight too much, and would much rather be
backstage making sure everything is working
right. You have a cool, level head and a broad
perspective on life. This combination makes
you an excellent advice-giver.
What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either
lost somebody you love or somebody broke you
heart so bad that you can't pick up the
shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You
think nobody can heal your wounds but don't
stop looking because you never know who loves
you enough to try hell the one special guy
could be right infront of your eyes and you
don't even know it.You also love to day dream
because it seems like the only place that makes
you happy.But little do you know that people
all around you are trying to make you happy and
you won't let them in fearing you'll get
another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just
try and if things go wrong just brush it off
and try again.It never hurts to try.One more
thing never let that lost love one leave you
heart keep them in forever and keep their
memory alive.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
brought to you by Quizilla
You, actually, dont sleep. There are just too many
things for you to do and see! Why spend half
your life lying in bed instead of enjoying
everything life has to offer?! Its not that
you are ridiculously hyper (usually), you just
have a far greater appreciation for life than
most people. Chances are youre very optimistic
and probably a little bit random sometimes, but
people love you for your happiness. Keep
smiling! Make someone's day! ^_^
How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your anime hair color is blonde. You have always
been very good with people and find that you
have no trouble talking to people you don't
know well, or have just met. You tend to change
moods quickly. One minute you may be as happy
as can be, and the next you could be on the
floor sobbing. School has never been your
thing, but you could be better at it if you put
more effort into it. You are the kind of person
that everyone knows and no one has any grudges
against. You have a large group of friends that
love you dearly. You are known for wanting
relationships so badly that you will say yes to
almost any boy that asks you out. You are very
sweet and kind person, but gossip more than you
Color: Rose pink
Month: June
Emotion: Happiness
Animal: Dog
Song: Embracable You
alt="Image hosted by">
What's Your Anime Hair Color And What Does It Mean? {For Girls With Beautiful Anime Pictures}
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Humm...almost a month never blog le cos busying preparing for my O's. Haf tuu catch up with my lousy practical. Everytime went to practical lab always do so slow and dunno how to answer the question. Die le prelim de practical coming soon but i think i haf to try my best. The feeling of studying is back again~ at least i don play so much le. Long time never blog, dunno wad to write... guess dats it ^^
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Your personality is best represented by Morning.
You are a calm person and really nice to
everyone, even if they are a bit...odd
sometimes. You are relatively happy with your
life at the moment and sometimes feel sorry for
everyone who seems to be surrounded with
problems all the time. You probably get pretty
good grades in school and know quite a few
people, even if you arent close friends with
many of them.
What Time of Day Best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
hiya i back to this blog again ^.^ Long long time never blog le cos got exams + tonnes of homework -.-" no choice la O's coming soon le cannot slack lyke last semester liao =x Think the O's result come out le den i choose whether wan go JC or poly...most likely will be poly bahx. Nowadays skool extend till 4p.m for O's student, so tired after the looonggg skooling. My maths teacher nver come skool for about 2 weeks le b'cos of her eyes loh need to go operation den today mala receive a msg from her saying she will be back only till august! waaa~ lyke dat our maths sure cannot catch up de even got relief teacher oso no use la *cham le* Dunno y this year O's student like not studying lei... all of them want to play include mi la =x Later results out principal sure faint le. *HeEx*
Humm....dunno y i suddenly become so toopid cannot remember things, cannot do this, cannot do that. MapleSEA oso no mood to play le....getting boring each day~ and Gunz? oso sian without frenz playing with. kkx stop here le if can i try to update as soon as possible ^.^v
Humm....dunno y i suddenly become so toopid cannot remember things, cannot do this, cannot do that. MapleSEA oso no mood to play le....getting boring each day~ and Gunz? oso sian without frenz playing with. kkx stop here le if can i try to update as soon as possible ^.^v
Monday, July 11, 2005
Monday, June 6, 2005
about mi
Your connection with darkness is through your hate.
It's burning from the inside and you feel it
strongly everyday. All kinds of things make you
hate; the governmate, teachers/the boss,
students in school/work, family etc. Well, you
feel like the world and everyone in it hates
you, so you hate it and everyone back. You
probaly don't like changes since nothing good
ever comes out of them. Though your hate is
big, you can still have a soft spot in your
heart for someone. You're not numb or anything,
your problem lies in that you feel too much.
Life is too damn complicated, isn't it?
What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
~*~Beautiful Soul~*~You're the type of person who is loving, giving,
sweet, generous, genuine, and optimistic. You
see the beauty around you and you admire it for
its faults, as well as perfections. Most likely
a dreamer, you are highly respected and liked.
People like to be around you because you make
them happy. You have a wonderful personality
and you're beautiful inside and out!
Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my
quiz! XoXo <3>
You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the Spirit of Innocence. Always with the
sweet smile of a child, you know how to have
good clean fun, you have a natural vunerability
about you, which makes you able to make friends
very well, as they are drawn instinctively by
the urge to protect you. But even though you
look as fragile as a child inside you are very
strong with your easy look on life. When you
get a partner (because there is no way you
cant!) your life will be perfect.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
In your eyes, people see life... You see yourself
as just an average person! You enjoy life, love
wildlife, but also enjoy time with those who
know you best. You like to get outdoors and let
your mind wander over all of the mysteries god
gave to you. You don't really have a certain
sanctuary because you're so well-rounded, but
you like having fun and adventures, but can
also be found sitting quietly about, reading a
book. You have a pretty good life ahead of you,
never trade it for anything else :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Exams over le...and i get back my results liao.All very bad Haizz nvm just mid-year only, will work hard for my prelims. Now busying preparing for O'level chinese,no time for blogging le. This skin is temporary only,if i find nicer skin will replace this. Everyday stay back for chinese so sian.Den cher give ws everyday,think we machines ar we still got others hw de leh.Haizz dun wan say liao la...gotta go finsh up all dat hw le.
` hui will be back soon_________ +
` hui will be back soon_________ +
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Now i know how alone i am, how small i am to this world. God, let me go...let me be free. No one cares about me, no one loves me anymore, not my frenz not my family. They think i am strong, i can take anything dat comes to me, but they forget i am still growing up...i am still a kid. They live in their world which no matter how hard i try, i could not get in. Should i say dat i am just a walking soul? ya~ i think so cos i have died a long time ago. I shouldn't be here...maybe i belongs to another world.... another world dat could hold me in...dat could give me all i wish. Everything here seems so unfamilar but i know wad it is. Actually i just need to clear my mind and forget everything but it may took me a billion years to do dat. Take me go... ...i am alone... i am dead... i shouldn't be here....shouldn't...
Sunday, April 17, 2005
You are sad because of your grief
Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
brought to you by Quizilla
You like the ones that understand you.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Yozyoz....getting rusty here~ kekex long time didn't post liao cos busy with all dat sickening homework lolx -.-" Toking about skool makes me so mad man!!! Got a fcuk up teacher dat don do his job man....he just slack there the whole lesson....den when come to dat "subject" test,me did so badly.Whao lao eh...hate dat teacher man...he should not have come to our skool de *grrr* my last year teacher is more better loh, at least she done her job even if she always make us so tired but we know is for our own good mahx. He don look like a teacher, he look like a sandbag... wanna punch him man.*Arrrrrr~bish* =X Opps...hahaha. Haiz den dat stupid test makes my leg muscles cramp...kaoz~ u all should know wad "subject" ish dat le bahx. PE?...yesh PE!!! I never hate PE so much de untill dat "sandbag" came to our skool.
Don talk about dat le la. My results oso deprove leh... now dunno wan go JC or Poly? So confused now-Go JC means suffer for 2 whole years!!!After 2 yrs still must go University study and study and study -Go Poly means can relax a bit but still must study least won't get so stress up loh den must improve my presenting. Haiz...wad kind of life is this? It sux completely. Should i work hard or just let it be???can someone tell mi wad to do???
[[lost in the big world]]
Don talk about dat le la. My results oso deprove leh... now dunno wan go JC or Poly? So confused now-Go JC means suffer for 2 whole years!!!After 2 yrs still must go University study and study and study -Go Poly means can relax a bit but still must study least won't get so stress up loh den must improve my presenting. Haiz...wad kind of life is this? It sux completely. Should i work hard or just let it be???can someone tell mi wad to do???
[[lost in the big world]]
Friday, February 25, 2005
sian sian SIAN!!!!!
Haiz now adays so sian leh.Everyday go home not sleep is play loh...den hw like no time to finish =X me now so sad...tests failed so many....die liao la...don feel like going to JC anymore cos my science sux man! Don noe y suddenly my science drop till so much, sad sad sad =( * Maybe should stop playing maple liao orelse not only my sciences fail.
Today just receive the project for CME.Guess wad???Its the same topic as last year...marriage!!! lol Actually last year is act marry de den this year is written de. Haiz see the topic sian liao.The teachers like no creativity de owaiz give same topic. =X now my head so pain can't think of anything to write liao.Just feel dat i could get outta this stressful life.
Today just receive the project for CME.Guess wad???Its the same topic as last year...marriage!!! lol Actually last year is act marry de den this year is written de. Haiz see the topic sian liao.The teachers like no creativity de owaiz give same topic. =X now my head so pain can't think of anything to write liao.Just feel dat i could get outta this stressful life.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
another boring day
Me at here blogging again!!! expected, my chem test fail =( but me didn't switch to combined cos all of them don wan me to do so haiz...everyday after 12 den sleep so now got panda eyes le *sob sob* dats y now so late le me still at here...can't sleep but very tired =x humm...wad did i do these few weeks? PLAYING MAPLE!!! HahAhAha~ lolx me use this to relieve my stress, actually just an excuse for my playfulness la =D now got one problem is dat one of my ear hole like kinda close liao...cannot put the ear stick through =( think no choice but to let it close loh maybe later den go pierce again bahx.Ehhhh... mi like kind of hungary now but CANNOT eat!!! If me cont'd to eat i will become a pig one day de =S i just hate the period of busy time to rest but now mi going to rest le :p so tired after a long day...yawn* nitez everyone~
Friday, January 14, 2005
Yoz...finally can get myself some time to post...lolx.Yupx skool start le and me die le...muahahaha....cos got a pile of hw to do....haiz...why must i go skool? someone tell me why?!!! just have my Chem test today and think i gonna fail le...y?...cos i leave a few blank.Dunno wan to drop to combined a not...cos like cannot cope with pure science stressful!!! humm...these few days like always go northpoint eat only cos lunch must at skool eat.Skool ends at 3 mah so very tired to go anywhere le. =/ Tmr go Bishan J8 see bag bag cos my sling bag so "tattered" le =x haha...not dat beggar kind of "tattered" but like going to spoil like dat.Haiz...but now got problem in $$ cos these few days like buy quite a lot books & file & blah blah blah.....(lazy to type) so dat means dunno have the money to buy bag a not leh? hum...think should start saving $$ le and oso 'cut away' my fats cos like kind of fat le...yupx dats it... =)
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