Wednesday, May 18, 2011


EXAMS OVER!!! I smell Freedom! =D Although i know the result is going to drop like hell but i couldn't care about it now. Really drained out by this semester work load. I just want to have a nice long rest before IA starts. ^^

Going Malaysia tml with the Uni clique. My second time going shopping there. =) Hope i can grab some nice, cute or cheap stuff there. Haha. Have so much things on the I-want-to-buy list. The GSS is coming again, and i have the urge to spend on something. You know, most girls always like to buy things without thinking its usefulness. I might be one of the girls too. =X

As for the rest of the holidays, I'm just gonna slack. Haha. Maybe planning a short trip to genting or somewhere nearby with my family. =) For my whole life, the only countries I've been to are Taiwan and Malaysia. So i wish to travel some other countries too, provided I have the money. Hehe.

And i want to learn make up but putting make up would means i need to put contact lens. I know it doesn't need contact lens but wearing specs is not nice with make up. =/ And I'm afraid of putting the lens into my eyeball. It just looks so scary. Not the putting in part but the taking out part seems more difficult. In dilemma. =.=

Aren't they cute~? xD
if only...

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